- Communications professionals (201)
- Human resources management professionals (203)
- Financial management professionals (204)
- Business process analysts (205)
- IT professionals (206)
- Engineers (207)
- Physical science professionals (209)
- Lawyers and notaries (210)
- Biologists (211)
- Administrative technicians (303)
- Documentation technicians (304)
- Laboratory technicians (305)
- Paralegals (306)
- Engineering technicians (307)
- Computer technicians (308)
- Recreation technicians (309)
- Occupational hygiene technicians (310)
Office workers
- Storekeepers (404)
- Offset duplicator operators (405)
- Administrative support staff (407)
- Secretarial staff (409)
- Information clerks (410)
- Telecommunications operators (411)
- Receptionists (412)
- Buyers (414)
Service workers
- Laundry workers (501)
- Janitors and caretakers (502)
- Cooks (505)
- Security guards (507)
- Day labourers and groundskeepers (508)
- Kitchen and cafeteria attendants (517)
- Heavy duty cleaners (518)
- Maintenance workers (521)
- Light duty cleaners (522)
Maintenance and trade workers
- Light vehicle drivers (503)
- Heavy vehicle drivers (504)
- Maintenance electricians (506)
- Motor vehicle mechanics (509)
- Millwright mechanics (510)
- Maintenance carpenters (512)
- Road maintenance workers (513)
- Certified maintenance workers (514)
- Maintenance painters (515)
- Machinists-519
- Heavy equipment operators (523)