En 2023, environ 50 % des hommes et 45 % des femmes de 15 à 24 ans occupaient un emploi dont les heures de travail variaient d’une semaine à l’autre.
The objective of the Annuaire québécois des statistiques du travail is to present a portrait of labour market and working conditions. The publication examines the main labour market indicators (employment...
Le taux d’heures variables de travail nous fournit des informations sur l’instabilité potentielle des heures de travail chez les personnes occupant des emplois.
Data on usual working hours, Québec, Ontario and Canada, 1976-2022.
Data for the most recent available year on actual hours worked for Québec. Those are annual data related to actual and usual work hours, hours of absence due to vacation and statutory holidays, illness...
Trends in employment according to various criteria, including personal characteristics, economic sectors, work pattern and class of worker. It also analyzes the main labour market indicators and provides a brief analysis of earnings and hours of work.
Comparisons regarding telework use by sex, age group, education level, hourly earnings, union coverage, establishment size, job characteristics, and administrative region. Comparisons between Québec and certain provinces are also provided.
Publication containing a multitude of indicators related to demographics, material living conditions, work, retirement, lifestyle, health and well-being, and social participation of seniors.
From 1998 to 2021, the women’s-to-men’s hourly earnings ratio increased from 83.4% to 90.8% in Québec. The number of paid jobs also rose by more than one million, with women benefiting the most from this increase (+535,000 vs. +475,000).
An analysis of the situation in August 2020 compared with August 2019 shows that the employment recovery rate in Québec is 93.5% while the total payroll recovery rate is 101.4%.