Portrait of seniors in Québec

    Did you know?

    • There are 170,600 workers aged 65 and over in Québec, accounting for 4.0% of persons who are employed.
    • The number of hours that seniors devote each year to volunteering is equivalent to 131,400 full-time jobs.
    • About 15% of seniors are immigrants.
    • Three quarters of seniors have grandchildren.
    • Nearly two out of ten senior women read at least one book per week.

    The publication Portrait des personnes aînées au Québec contains a multitude of indicators related to demographics, material living conditions, work, retirement, lifestyle, health and well-being, and social participation of seniors.

    The results, which are presented for women and men and for various age groups, show the plurality of situations experienced by seniors in terms of household composition, income, housing, work, electronic communications, driving, physical and mental health, behaviour and lifestyle habits, volunteering, political involvement, etc.

    Notice of change: May 30, 2023
    In the analysis document, the layout of the figures presented in section 4.4 has been modified.

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