Publication containing a multitude of indicators related to demographics, material living conditions, work, retirement, lifestyle, health and well-being, and social participation of seniors.
In 2017, in Québec, there were an estimated 100,100 non-student individuals aged 15 to 64 not in the labour force with at least one disability who had the potential to work. This publication presents a descriptive portrait of this population. Notice of change: April 16, 2024
Le taux d’emploi des personnes de 15 à 64 ans ayant une incapacité est de 55 %, comparativement à 75 % pour celles qui n’en ont pas. Avis de révision : 16 avril 2024
This study presents the evolution of various indicators in the areas of physical and mental health, lifestyle habits and use of services by Quebecers aged 12 and up.
Based on Québec data from Statistics Canada's 2012 Canadian Survey on Disability (CSD), this study examines individual characteristics that may be related to unmet needs for assistance among people with...
Differences in health status and health service utilization between immigrants and Canadian-born individuals.
The overall objective of the Québec Survey on Activity Limitations, Chronic Diseases and Aging, 2010-2011 (EQLAV) is to provide representative statistical data at the provincial and regional levels on...
The survey aims to document six dimensions of health care system performance: service accessibility, continuity, effectiveness, equitable access, responsiveness, and safety.
The purpose of this article is to establish the prevalence of falls over a 12-month period among the Québec population aged 65 and older living at home, using data from the Canadian Community Health Survey...
This article aims to provide a portrait of the health of seniors living in Québec based on data from the 2009–2010 Canadian Community Health Survey. It provides an overall health indicator that makes ...