The showcase features many indicators related to demographics, material living conditions, work, retirement, lifestyle, health and well-being, and the social participation of seniors.
Depuis 25 ans, l’Institut de la statistique du Québec fournit des informations statistiques essentielles qui enrichissent les connaissances, éclairent les débats et appuient la prise de décision dans la société québécoise. À l’occasion de son 25e anniversaire, l’ISQ diffuse des portraits statistiques de l’évolution du Québec élaborés à partir de ses travaux.
Data on population projections according to the municipalities geographical level.
Data on population projections according to the administrative regions and metropolitan areas geographical level, from 2021 to 2051.
Data on population projections in Québec from 2021 to 2071.
Data on projections about the number of private households, from 2021 to 2071.
Data on the evolution of the Québec population and its age and gender structure, as well as on the components of demographic growth. Some comparisons are made with Canada and the other provinces.
Data on population projections according to the municipalities geographical level, from 2021 to 2051.
Data on projections about the number of private households according to municipalities geographical level.
Data on projections about the number of private households according to RCMs geographical level, from 2021 to 2051.