Les activités de halte-garderie sont généralement offertes pour permettre aux parents d’enfants en bas âge de participer aux activités des organismes communautaires qui les offrent, de bénéficier d’un moment de répit ou de socialiser.
Short highlights and data are presented in the form of graphs to provide a better understanding of the situation of young people in Québec.
Caractéristiques des organismes, activités offertes, familles accueillies, partenaires, personnel, budget, etc.
Environ les deux tiers des Québécois et Québécoises de 15 ans et plus (69 %) ont fait des dons à des organismes de bienfaisance ou à but non lucratif en 2018
What are the factors associated with social engagement and non-electoral political participation among young adults born in Québec?
Publication containing a multitude of indicators related to demographics, material living conditions, work, retirement, lifestyle, health and well-being, and social participation of seniors.
Number and proportion of volunteers, number of hours dedicated to volunteering, sectors of activity concerned, motivations, etc. Most statistics are broken down by age group and gender.
On this International Volunteer Day, here are a few statistics on the subject. Did you know that 77% of Quebecers did formal or informal volunteering in 2018? In total, more than one billion hours were volunteered. The analysis provides a picture of volunteering in Québec.
More than 2 in 3 young adults (69%) born in Québec in 1997-1998 reported having voted in the 2018 provincial election. There is a link between young adults voting and maternal education; young adults’ education, employment, area of residence and level of trust; and young adults’ civic engagement.