In Québec, significant progress has been made in terms of equality in the past few years. However, inequalities remain. The showcase provides the most up-to-date picture possible of the situation.
The showcase features many indicators related to demographics, material living conditions, work, retirement, lifestyle, health and well-being, and the social participation of seniors.
Depuis 25 ans, l’Institut de la statistique du Québec fournit des informations statistiques essentielles qui enrichissent les connaissances, éclairent les débats et appuient la prise de décision dans la société québécoise. À l’occasion de son 25e anniversaire, l’ISQ diffuse des portraits statistiques de l’évolution du Québec élaborés à partir de ses travaux.
Data on labour market participation by family status (age of the youngest child), Québec, Ontario and Canada, 1976-2024.
These statistics are provided according to three types of income (market income, total income, and after-tax income) and are broken down by various socio-demographic characteristics of households and individuals.
These tables contain two measures of income inequality among households and individuals aged 16 and over: income quintiles and the Gini coefficient. These statistics are presented according to three types of income: market income, total income, and after-tax income.
These statistics focus on low household and individual income as defined by the Low Income Measure (LIM), as well as on low family unit and individual income as defined by the Market Basket Measure (MBM).
A new version of the Gini coefficient is added to the collection of tables on household and individual income inequality: a coefficient based on adjusted income, which takes into account household size.
Discover the main economic, demographic, cultural and environmental indicators for all of Québec, its administrative regions and their regional county municipalities (RCM).
New analysis: Lien entre le soutien social et le stress parental chez les parents séparés (in French only).