Low household and individual income

    These statistics come from various Statistics Canada surveys and focus on low income rate and average low income gap ratio. They are available for three populations: all individuals, individuals aged 16 and over, and households (or family units in the case of the Market Basket Measure [MBM]).

    The statistics are presented according to two definitions:

    • The Low Income Measure (LIM): According to this measure, the base threshold below which a unit is considered low-income corresponds to half of the median household income of individuals of all ages. This income is previously adjusted based on an equivalence scale that takes into account household size. Two income thresholds are used: before-tax and after-tax.
    • The Market Basket Measure (MBM): This measure is based on the cost of goods and services that make up a “market basket” that is deemed essential for a family unit to meet its basic needs. The cost of the basket is then compared to the family unit’s disposable income. If the family unit’s income is lower than the cost of the basket, it is considered low-income.

    Estimates for 2012 to 2019 have been revised following an adjustment to survey weights based on the 2016 Census. The impact of these changes is minor.

    Low income rate and average low income gap ratio based on the Market Basket Measure (MBM) for base year 2008, 2010-2019 – terminated series Results related to the MBM for base year 2008 are not available from 2020 onwards.
    Results related to the MBM for base year 2008 are not available from 2020 onwards.

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