The Survey on the Language Requirements of Businesses and Municipalities in Québec in 2023 aimed to find out how important language skills and knowledge are in selecting candidates during the hiring process.
Census data on languages used at work in Québec and in census metropolitan areas (CMAs).
Data from the 2011, 2016 and 2021 Censuses on mother tongue, language spoken at home and knowledge of French and English in Québec and in census metropolitan areas (CMAs).
This collection describes the current situation of Quebecers aged 15 to 29 and the patterns of this population over the last 20 years. Themes: health, education, citizen participation, employment and entrepreneurship.
This publication aims to describe the main results from the Enquête sur les pratiques linguistiques des ministères et organismes publics du gouvernement du Québec 2018. Key areas covered include government...