This bulletin presents a portrait of the health of adult immigrants in Québec that takes into account various physical and mental health indicators, as well as health-related lifestyle habits and preventive...
Differences in health status and health service utilization between immigrants and Canadian-born individuals.
Data from the Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS) allow comparisons to be made between recent immigrants (in Canada for less than 10 years), long-term immigrants (10 years or more) and non-immigrants (Canadian-born).
This publication shows the differences and similarities between young people with an immigrant background and those with two Canadian-born parents.
This bulletin aims to compare the health of Québec immigrants with that of Canadian-born individuals residing in Québec. For this comparison, health-related characteristics have been selected: health ...
Highlights of the results of the Étude auprès des communautés culturelles 1998-1999 on immigrants from various backgrounds who arrived between 1988 and 1997.
The overall objective of the Étude auprès des communautés culturelles 1998-1999 was to gather relevant information on the lifestyle habits, selected health and social problems and health-service use patterns...