This bulletin is based on data from childcare utilization surveys conducted by the Institut de la statistique du Québec: the Survey on the Needs of Families in the Area of Educational Day Care Services (EBSG), 2000–2001, the Enquête sur les besoins et les préférences des familles en matière de services de garde (EBPSG), 2004, and the Survey on the Childcare Use, Needs and Preferences of Families (EUSG), 2009.
The first section presents a general portrait of the rate of subsidized childcare places and the evolution of the use of reduced-contribution places (RCPs), all reasons combined, over the 2000 decade. The second section seeks to identify the demographic and socio-economic characteristics that help explain the use of RCPs due to work or education, regardless of the parents’ occupation and, more specifically, for families in which both parents have (or the single parent has) reported work as their main occupation at the time of each survey. The objective is to verify whether certain characteristics of parents’ employment are linked to the use of reduced-contribution child care.
This is done using multivariate analysis, i.e., modelling that identifies the factors that predict the use of reduced-contribution services rather than the use of other types of childcare. It should be noted that descriptive statistics on the use of RCPs by the families in question are presented in the appendix, which also contains several unpublished results relating to the 2004 EBPSG and the 2000–2001 EBSG, in particular.