In compliance with the System of Environmental-Eeconomic Accounting, this account presents GHG emissions from various sources.
The carbon footprint associated with the purchase of Québec exports by consumers located outside the province totalled at least 77 Mt CO2 eq. in 2018.
Québec society’s carbon footprint was at least 95 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent (Mt CO2 eq.) for 2018, or 11.3 tonnes per capita.
The Québec input-output model is an analytical tool that measures the economic impact of spending projects on the Québec economy.
The carbon footprint of Québec households for 2018 totalled at least 70,420 kilotonnes of CO2 equivalent (kt of CO2 eq.), which is equivalent to 8.4 tons per capita.
This publication presents the links between measurement of sustainable development and the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting.