The Québec input-output model is an analytical tool that measures the economic impact of spending projects on the Québec economy. The model assesses the impact of various types of expenditures, also called shocks, on labour, added value, imports, and other outputs. The results estimated by the input-output model make it possible not only to assess the economic impact of a sector, but also to compare this impact to that of other sectors of activity in the Québec economy. Several additional calculations can thus be performed using the economic impact results tables produced using the input-output model. The proportion of Québec content and the value-added and labour ratios are the most frequently used additional calculations.
The analysis shows the importance of manufacturing exports for the Québec economy by highlighting the structure of these exports, their Québec content, as well as their contribution to the GDP and the jobs generated in different sectors.
It can also estimate the environmental impact of producing these exports on the Québec territory in terms of CO2 equivalent emissions, both in total and per million dollars exported.
In addition to providing interesting results on the structure of manufacturing exports and their importance for the Québec economy, this bulletin illustrates the potential of the Québec input-output model for conducting economic and environmental impact studies with a high level of detail by sector or by product category.
The Institut de la statistique du Québec has expanded its impact studies to include greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions generated by economic activity.
The comparison exercise is carried out using simulations of the average spending structures in the productive sectors of the economy at the aggregate level. The level of aggregation used is called level X. It breaks down the economy into six major categories of productive sectors: the primary sector, utilities, construction, manufacturing, other services, and non-commercial sectors.
The model performs simulations in increments of $100 million in operating expenditures for each of the six sectors, based on the most recent structure of the supply and use tables and the adjustment parameters for the current year (average wages and fiscal and para-fiscal parameters). The bulletin presents the methodology used and the results for six aggregated sectors of the economy.