Organigramme de l'Institut de la statistique du Québec (PDF, 83 Ko)
Statisticien en chef
Simon Bergeron
Secrétariat général et Affaires juridiques
Stéphanie Parent
Responsable de l’accès à l’information
Direction des affaires institutionnelles et du Bureau de projet
Joëlle Poulin
Direction des ressources financières et matérielles
Guillaume Albernhe-Lahaie, intérim
Responsable de l’application des règles contractuelles
Secteur de la méthodologie, de la démographie et de l’accès aux données
Patricia Caris
Statisticienne en chef adjointe
Responsable de la protection des renseignements personnels
Direction de la protection et de l'optimisation des données administratives
Jimmy Baulne
Direction de la méthodologie
Éric Gagnon
Direction des statistiques sociodémographiques
Paul Berthiaume
Direction de la gestion des données et de l'accès pour la recherche
Sophie Balmayer
Direction des ressources humaines
Mélanie Dufour
Responsable à la gestion de l’éthique et de l’intégrité
Direction générale des statistiques et de l’analyse économiques
Éric Deschênes
Direction des statistiques du travail et de la rémunération
Patrice Gauthier
- Service – Enquêtes et comparaison de la rémunération
Nadège Jean
Direction des statistiques économiques
Mario Beaulieu
Direction des statistiques sectorielles et du développement durable
Patrick Monsengo
Direction générale des statistiques et de l’analyse sociales
Bertrand Perron
Observatoire de la culture et des communications du Québec
Bertrand Perron, intérim
Direction des enquêtes de santé
Monique Bordeleau
Direction des études longitudinales
Nancy Illick
Direction des enquêtes et des indicateurs sociaux
Nathalie Audet
Direction générale des services de soutien à la production statistique
Stéphane Lefebvre
Chef de la sécurité de l’information organisationnelle (CSIO)
Direction de la gestion de la collecte
Guillaume Rousseau
- Service des opérations de collecte
Caroline Leduc
Direction des technologies de l’information
Dominic Bédard
Direction de la diffusion et des communications
Josée Auclair
Strategic plan
The 2023–2027 Strategic Plan reflects the Institut’s commitment to adapting its statistical production, taking into account the new realities and issues of today’s society. Its purpose is to help the Institut carry out its mission in an agile and innovative manner and make its products and services accessible and relevant for its clients. It also sets ambitious goals in terms of staff recruitment and mobilization in a context of labour scarcity.
Plan stratégique 2023-2027 (PDF, 790 Ko) (in French only)
Annual Management Report
The Annual Management Report outlines the Institut’s main achievements as well as outcomes related to the Strategic Plan, the Sustainable Development Action Plan, and the Declaration of Services to the Public.
It also reports on the use of financial, human and information resources within the organization and on the Institut’s compliance with various legislative and regulatory requirements.
Declaration of Services to the Public
The Declaration of Services to the Public reflects the Institut’s commitment to providing high-quality products and services.
Complaint Management Policy
The purpose of the Complaint Management Policy is to provide a structured framework for receiving, reviewing and resolving complaints from the Institut’s clients and survey participants. By addressing their concerns and making continuous improvements, the Institut aims to preserve the quality and reliability of its products and services, while demonstrating its commitment to excellence. This policy ensures that complaints are handled confidentially and within the timeframe specified in the Institut’s Declaration of Services to the Public.
Politique de gestion de plaintes (PDF, 154,72 Ko) (in French only)
Action plan for people with disabilities
The Action Plan for Persons with Disabilities summarizes the actions taken to promote the integration of persons with disabilities, as well as the measures to be implemented in the year to come. These measures demonstrate the Institut’s commitment to improving the public’s access to its products and services and ensuring an inclusive work environment for its employees.
The Institut is also proud to contribute to the advancement of knowledge on disabilities by producing and disseminating statistical information on this topic.
Plan d’action à l’égard des personnes handicapées 2023-2024 (PDF, 327 ko) (in French only)
Sustainable Development Action Plan
The Sustainable Development Action Plan 2023–2028 reports on the measures put in place by the Institut to achieve the objectives of the Government Sustainable Development Strategy. This action plan reflects the Institut’s commitment to continue leading by example as a government organization and to help build a prosperous and sustainable Québec.
Plan d'action de développement durable 2023-2028 (PDF, 869 Ko) (in French only)
Acts and regulations
The Act respecting the Institut de la statistique du Québec defines the Institut’s mission as follows:
“The mission of the Institut is to provide reliable and objective statistical information on the situation of Québec as regards all aspects of Québec society for which such information is pertinent.
The Institut shall be the central authority for the production and dissemination of statistical information for the government departments and bodies, except information produced for administrative purposes. The Institut shall be responsible for the carrying out of statistical surveys of general interest.”