Statistics Canada – Survey on Financing and Growth of Small and Medium Enterprises, questionnaires
Data tables for Québec and methodological information.
Portrait of external financing requests by Québec SMEs.
This bulletin aims to validate the existence of constraints related to the size of these businesses in terms of access to geographic markets, particularly in comparison with businesses with 100 to 499 employees.
This bulletin highlights the existence of obstacles in 2017 in terms of accessing technological and intellectual resources and financing for Québec businesses of 1 to 4 employees due to their size; this analysis includes a comparison with businesses of 100 to 499 employees.
This collection describes the current situation of Quebecers aged 15 to 29 and the patterns of this population over the last 20 years. Themes: health, education, citizen participation, employment and entrepreneurship.
Overview of SME financing requests in Québec, as well as SME growth in 2014 (including obstacles to growth and geographic markets).
Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) play an important role in creating jobs and stimulating the economic growth of territories. They are usually associated with innovation, production flexibility and ...