Type of survey
Cross-sectional survey; provincial and regional estimates (health regions).
Targeted population
All private households in Québec with at least one individual aged 50 or over, excluding households comprising only persons under 50 years of age, persons aged 50 and over living in residential institutions (collective households), such as residential and long-term care centres, persons living in retirement homes, roomers who do not have a private and exclusive phone line, full-time members of the Canadian Armed Forces and persons whose telephone number corresponds to a secondary residence (cottage), cell phone, business or hospital, as well as persons living on Indian reserves or in health regions 17 (Nunavik) and 18 (Terres-Cries-de-la-Baie-James).
- 2008 Edition: 3,881 respondents;
- 2005-2006 Edition: 3,856 respondents;
- 2003-2004 Edition: 3,623 respondents;
- 2001-2002 Edition: 2,384 respondents.
Flu and pneumococcal vaccination; date of vaccination; location of vaccination; payment for vaccination; main reason for getting/not getting the vaccine; consultation of a health professional and site of consultation; recommendation regarding vaccination; home care; intentions regarding the next vaccination campaign.
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