Enquête québécoise sur les couvertures vaccinales contre l’influenza et le pneumocoque, 2005-2006

    This publication presents the results of the Québec Survey on Influenza and Pneumococcal Vaccination Coverage conducted in the spring of 2006. This is the third edition of the survey. This edition estimates the influenza and pneumococcal vaccine coverage at the provincial and regional level, and describes the circumstances of vaccination (location, cost of the vaccine, and vaccination by relative education level). The following age groups were targeted: 50 and over, 50-59, 60 and over, 60-64, 65 and over.

    This report also provides the following comparisons at the provincial level:

    • flu vaccine coverages for 2005-2006 compared to those for 2003-2004 and 2001-2002; and
    • lifetime pneumococcal vaccine coverage for 2006 compared to the coverages measured in 2004 and 2002.

    The target population includes all Quebecers aged 50 and over living in private households. In total, 3,856 people responded to the questionnaire in 2006.

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