The Enquête sur la rémunération globale is an annual survey of a sample of enterprises with 200 or more employees in Québec. It is a scientific survey based on rigorous methodology.
The ERG is unique in the compensation field, as regards both the compensation package and the jobs covered. It is one of the only Canadian labour-market surveys that compiles data not only on salaries but also on benefits, hours of work, workforce characteristics (seniority, union status and sex) and paid time off. By examining total compensation, the survey offers a more complete picture than the comparison of salaries. The publication of this type of information constitutes the added value of the ERG compared with other compensation surveys.
Frequently Asked Questions
Under section 4 of the Act respecting the Institut de la statistique du Québec, the Direction des statistiques du travail et de la rémunération (DSTR) has the mandate to inform the public on the comparative state and evolution of the total compensation of public-sector employees (that is, employees governed by a collective agreement of the Government and of the school boards, colleges and health and social service establishments) and of other Québec employees. This information is used as a reference by the labour and management parties in collective bargaining in the public sector, and the Institut must publish it by November 30 of each year. The data from the ERG allow the Institut to produce this comparison. The results of the Enquête sur la rémunération globale also allow the Institut to fulfill its general mission (article 2). The report entitled Résultats de l’Enquête sur la rémunération globale au Québec, published annually, presents the main results of the survey according to various labour-market breakdowns. Thus, it provides the general public, unions, employers and other labour-market players with strategic data to use in their discussions of compensation conditions.
Only duly authorized Institut staff will have access to the answers provided by participating businesses. Only results that do not identify specific individuals or businesses will be made public.
The results of the survey are published every year:
- in November, on this page: Rémunération des salariés. État et évolution comparés
- in March, on this page: Résultats de l'Enquête sur la rémunération globale au Québec
The Institut de la Statistique du Québec, also known as Statistique Québec, is a government organization whose mission is to produce, analyze and disseminate official, objective and accurate statistics on all aspects of Québec society.
Yes. The information collected for the ERG is required under the Act respecting the Institut de la statistique du Québec (CQLR, chapter l-13.011, s. 4 and 11). The obligatory nature of the survey yields a high response rate and data of better quality.
No. The ERG collects compensation data from enterprises with 200 or more employees working in Québec. However, certain enterprises with employees in Québec have their head offices elsewhere, and sometimes the person who provides the information to Statistique Québec works in another Canadian province.
By random selection. To ensure that the results are representative, the selection of an enterprise as part of the sample depends on the sector to which it belongs (private/public), its sector of economic activity and its size (number of employees in Québec).
For three years, that is, for the entire data-collection cycle. The response burden is heaviest in the year in which an enterprise is introduced into the rotation group and lessens as the cycle evolves. Thus, in the first year of an enterprise’s participation, an in-depth analysis of its organizational structures and compensation policies is carried out: the “standard” collection process is used to collect the compensation data. The second and third year require very little work on the part of the enterprise, as a simplified collection process is used (information on average rates of increase only).
Any data collected and held by Statistique Québec is protected in accordance with the Act respecting the Institut de la statistique du Québec. This obligation to ensure the protection of statistical data is at the heart of Statistique Québec’s management values. The policy governing the protection of personal and confidential information is the cornerstone upon which all of Statistique Québec’s work is based.
Your participation entitles you to a wealth of data on compensation, absolutely free of charge.
We will provide you, upon request, with a personalized report on total compensation in your organization. This report will give you a breakdown of the main components of your employees’ total compensation. It will also enable you to compare the salaries and total compensation for certain jobs or groups of jobs in your organization with those in related sectors.