The report on the Survey on the Childcare Use, Needs and Preferences of Families (EUSG 2009) focuses on childcare. The information collected from 11,161 families with children under five as at September 30, 2009 captures a portrait of childcare use by families and describes several of its aspects. It looks at the proportion of children in childcare, types of childcare and the reasons for using it, regular and irregular childcare arrangements, the satisfaction of parents with the flexibility of their main type of regular childcare, and unforeseen events creating problems as regards arranging childcare needs and family preferences depending on the age of the children.
This report features results at the provincial level and for Québec’s 17 administrative regions. There are also selected comparisons with the survey conducted in 2004. The information from this survey provides the Ministère de la Famille et des Aînés (MFA) with invaluable information on the evaluation and planning of childcare services for children under five.