The Québec Progress Indicators for Measuring Well-being and National Wealth (Québec Progress Indicators) are available in various forms. These key indicators are presented in a dashboard which shows the trend, either favourable or unfavourable in terms of progress, for each indicator over the past 16 years or so. A detailed table summarizes the main results since 2003 for the province of Québec, the rest of Canada, and Canada as a whole.
Technical or methodological documents offer additional information for each indicator, and include graphs and comprehensive data tables along with a definition, a description of its relevance to measuring progress, and methodological notes.
Recently updated indicators (in French only)
Confiance généralisée (20 janvier 2025)
Présence des femmes sur la scène politique (20 janvier 2025)
Écart de diplomation selon le milieu socio-économique (20 décembre 2024)
Santé mentale excellente ou très bonne (20 décembre 2024)