The Institut de la statistique du Québec (ISQ) has been mandated by the government to conduct a first study on the languages spoken in Québec (SLSQ). The aim is to obtain reliable data on the different languages spoken in Québec in various settings.
Type of survey
Cross-sectional survey. Representative at the provincial level and for certain geographic details.
Targeted population
Persons aged 15 and over living in non-institutional housing in Québec. This includes those living in private households, non-institutional collective housing (seniors’ residences, convents, etc.) and Indigenous communities other than those in the Nunavik and Terres-Cries-de-la-Baie-James health and social services regions.
People living in institutional collective housing (hospitals, CHSLDs, youth centres, rehabilitation centres, etc.) as well as those residing in the Nunavik and Terres-Cries-de-la-Baie-James health regions are not covered by the survey.
Sampling and data collection
Sample size
2024: 75,000 people
Data collection method
By telephone and Internet
Data collection period
2024: January 9 to August 18
Themes or topics
Knowledge of languages; use of languages in certain settings; language of cultural products consumed; language of content consulted on the Internet; language at work; language of instruction.