Study on the Languages Spoken in Québec (SLSQ)

    This survey is in collection. Have you been invited to participate? Learn more about participation in this survey

    The Institut de la statistique du Québec (ISQ) has been mandated by the government to conduct a first study on the languages spoken in Québec (SLSQ). The aim is to obtain reliable data on the different languages spoken in Québec in various settings.

    Type of survey

    Cross-sectional survey. Representative at the provincial level and for certain geographic details.

    Targeted population

    Persons aged 15 and over living in non-institutional housing in Québec. This includes those living in private households, non-institutional collective housing (seniors’ residences, convents, etc.) and Indigenous communities other than those in the Nunavik and Terres-Cries-de-la-Baie-James health and social services regions.

    People living in institutional collective housing (hospitals, CHSLDs, youth centres, rehabilitation centres, etc.) as well as those residing in the Nunavik and Terres-Cries-de-la-Baie-James health regions are not covered by the survey.


    Sampling and data collection

    Sample size

    2024: 75,000 people

    Data collection method

    By telephone and Internet

    Data collection period

    2024: January 9 to August 18

    Themes or topics

    Knowledge of languages; use of languages in certain settings; language of cultural products consumed; language of content consulted on the Internet; language at work; language of instruction.

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