The Québec Progress Indicators for Measuring Well-being and National Wealth measure multiple dimensions of progress. The conceptual and methodological framework presents the concepts on which the selection and interpretation of indicators are based, as well as the orientations and approach taken by the Institut de la statistique du Québec. It accompanies the first release of the Québec Progress Indicators.
This framework was developed based on a review of foreign initiatives and of the work of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the United Nations on the measurement of well-being and sustainable development.
Let us know what you think! [Form in French only]
The Québec Progress Indicators aim to measure what matters most to people, based on a limited number of indicators. For this reason, the Institut de la statistique du Québec invites you to send in your comments about this initiative and the dimensions of well-being and national wealth that are most important to you. Your suggestions will inform discussions and could be used by the Institut to expand its list of progress indicators.
Québec Progress Indicators (dashboard and main results)