The Profil sectoriel de l’industrie bioalimentaire au Québec, prepared jointly by the Institut de la statistique du Québec and the ministère de l’Agriculture, des Pêcheries et de l’Alimentation du Québec, is a reference tool for those interested by the subjet.
It provides information on the biofood industry and its main sectors and contains five chapters. The first chapter provides an overall economic profile of the industry through agricultural production, fisheries, aquaculture, processing, distribution, food service and international trade. The following three chapters feature animal production, crop production, fisheries and aquacultures. Finally, the fifth chapter provides an overview of the main data for Québec compared with North American results.
Different tables provide information for each section on production, processing and demand. The document includes a list of references, a glossary of terms and concepts, general and sector-specific references, as well as a list of contacts that can help the reader increase his knowledge of each sector.