The aim of this study is to better know the situation of families of individuals with a disability in Québec. It is not only on these families but also on all households with a handicapped person or a person whose activities are limited due to a physical or mental health problem and who are living at home. This secondary analysis of the data of the 1998 Enquête québécoise sur les limitations d'activités (Québec survey on activity limitation) describes the composition of eight types of households according to the person with a disability: e.g., families with a disabled minor child, families where one of the parents is disabled, and couples without children where one of the spouses is disabled.
The analyses are on the socioeconomic situation, participation in the labour market, family and social relations, condition of physical health and other indicators of well-being of the family or household members. Comparisons are made between households with one disabled individual and households of the same type where nobody is disabled. Carried out using data that is representative of the Québec population living at home, this study fills a gap as regards the statistical data on these subjects. It is also an important reference tool for organizations concerned about the living conditions of handicapped persons, and their families, and natural caregivers.