The main objective of this survey is to produce estimates of the participation and employment rates of people with disabilities by health region in Québec. These estimates are based on the Participation and Activity Limitation Survey (PALS) conducted in 2006 by Statistics Canada.
To produce these estimates, a Small Area Estimation (SAE) method was used. Since this method has never been used by the Institut de la statistique du Québec for health surveys, this survey aims not only to obtain estimates, but also to develop an analysis method, test it and evaluate the quality of the estimates produced.
In this report, we present the SAE methods (Section 2), the method we chose (Section 3) and its implementation within the PALS framework. Section 4 focuses on presenting the results and Section 5 provides an assessment of the quality of the results. A comparison of the results obtained with an external data source is then conducted as validation (Section 6). Section 7 explains how the results should be interpreted. Finally, section 8 concludes the report.