The Compendium d’indicateurs de l’activité scientifique et technologique au Québec illustrates Québec’s situation in science, technology and innovation using a broad range of commented comparative statistical indicators.
The first part of the 2017 edition reports on two publications on innovation released by MIT Press, authored respectively by Benoît Godin, professor at the Urbanisation, Culture et Société research centre of the Institut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS-UCS), and Eric von Hippel, professor at the Sloan School of Management and the Engineering Systems Division of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. It also includes a brief overview of the 2017 edition of the OECD Science, Technology and Industry Scoreboard.
The second part of the Compendium presents and analyzes new, revised or updated data on scientific and technological activity in Québec, grouped by chapter: human resources in science and technology, research and development, utility patents, venture capital, business and employment dynamics, and household and business Internet access and use.