NewsroomPress release

    How does the compensation of Québec government employees compare to that of other Québec employees?

    Montréal, November 28, 2024. – The average salary of Québec government employees stands at $60,909 in 2024, 11.4% less than the salary of other Québec employees working in organizations with 200 or more employees. The average salary of Québec government employees is also 8.0% below that of private sector employees and 16.6% below that of other public sector employees (government enterprises, universities, municipalities, and federal government in Québec).

    However, Québec government employees are in a better comparative position when benefits, paid time off and hours of work are considered.

    These are among the findings of the report Rémunération des salariés – État et évolution comparés 2024 made public this morning. This report examines compensation for 74 comparable jobs divided into five categories and covering 86,972 Québec government employees.

    The salaries of Québec government employees include a 6.0% increase retroactive to April 1, 2023, as well as a 2.8% increase as of April 1, 2024, as provided in the recently negotiated 2023-2028 collective agreements.

    Salaries of Québec government employees and other Québec employees, including the private sector and other public sectors

    Salaries of Québec government employees and other Québec employees, including the private sector and other public sectors

    Institut de la statistique du Québec, Rémunération des salariés. État et évolution comparés 2024.

    Total compensation differentials

    Salaries are only one component of total compensation per hour worked. When pension plans, group insurance, paid time off and usual weekly hours (basic workweek without overtime) are also taken into account, the total compensation of Québec government employees per hour worked is $49.14.

    This is 2.1% below other Québec employees overall and 16.2% below other public sector employees. However, it is 5.8% higher than the total compensation of private sector employees.

    Total compensation per hour worked for Québec government employees and other Québec employees, including those in the private sector and other public sectors

    Total compensation per hour worked for Québec government employees and other Québec employees, including those in the private sector and other public sectors

    Institut de la statistique du Québec, Rémunération des salariés. État et évolution comparés 2024.

    Compared to other Québec employees and private sector employees, Québec government employees are in a better comparative position in terms of total compensation than salaries. This is partly because Québec government employees have more paid time off (vacation, statutory and floating holidays, sick leave) and a shorter normal workweek.

    How the situation has evolved

    Since 2022, the gaps between Québec government employees and other Québec employees have remained stable, in terms of both salaries and total compensation. In comparison to other public sector employees, the gaps have narrowed.

    Since 2011, salary differentials have remained stable between Québec government employees and the three groups compared. In terms of total compensation, the gaps have narrowed between Québec government employees and other Québec employees as well as other public sector employees. Québec government employees are now ahead of private sector employees in terms of total compensation, whereas they were on par with them in 2011.

    Why are we comparing 2024 with 2022 and 2011? In order to compare years when the situation of Québec government employees was similar, meaning years when most collective agreements had been signed—as was the case in 2024—the situation in 2024 is being compared to that in 2022 (the last year of salary increases in the 2020-2023 agreements) and in 2011 (the first year of salary increases in the 2010-2015 agreements). The data used therefore covers years when most salary rates for Québec government employees were in effect.

    Comparison of total compensation

    The Institut de la statistique du Québec is mandated to compare the total compensation of Québec government employees with that of other Québec employees. It must perform this comparison every year and publish the results at the end of November.

    The purpose of this exercise is to compare similar jobs. This is why employees in fields such as teaching and nursing are excluded from the comparison, as they are mainly employed by the Québec government. The comparison covers organizations with 200 or more employees and municipalities with populations of 25,000 or more, because the job structure in these organizations is similar to that in the Québec government.

    The components used in the comparison have been selected to ensure relevance and objectivity and are periodically submitted to the negotiating parties (employer and union) by the Institut for consultation purposes.

    Base sector and reference market used in the comparison:

    Québec government Other Québec employees
    (organizations with 200 or more employees)
    Public service: ministries, government agencies, special funds


    Health and social services
    Private organizations

    Other public sectors : government enterprises, universities, municipalities with populations of 25,000 or more, federal government in Québec

    For 25 years, the Institut de la statistique du Québec has been producing, analyzing, and disseminating official, objective and high-quality statistical information on various aspects of Québec society. It is responsible for conducting all statistical surveys of general interest. The relevance of its work makes it a strategic ally for decision makers and an essential source of information for all those wishing to learn more about Québec.

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