Annual overview of Québec municipalities’ operating expenditures on culture, and expenditures on culture according to seven municipal population size groups and by administrative region of the municipalities.
Dynamic graphs present statistics on performing arts, visual arts, libraries, film, sound recordings, museum institutions, cultural professions, cultural spending, etc.
Indicateurs en matière de culture, notamment en ce qui concerne les spectacles, les cinémas, les institutions muséales, les bibliothèques, les enregistrements musicaux, les ventes de livres et le montant des dépenses publiques. Nouveauté : indicateurs par région administrative.
Table presenting a time series of total municipal operating expenditures on culture by administrative region, in dollars and dollars per capita.
Data for 2007 to 2022 are presented according to various aspects, including: population size, type and category of expenditure, source of funding, cultural field, type of region, etc.
In 2021–2022, cultural expenditures by Québec government ministries and agencies totalled $2.4 billion, a 2.5% increase.
Expenditure in current dollars, by household income quartile, household type, household connection profile, age group of respondents and educational level of respondents.