Depuis 25 ans, l’Institut de la statistique du Québec fournit des informations statistiques essentielles qui enrichissent les connaissances, éclairent les débats et appuient la prise de décision dans la société québécoise. À l’occasion de son 25e anniversaire, l’ISQ diffuse des portraits statistiques de l’évolution du Québec élaborés à partir de ses travaux.
Overview of the demographic report as of July 1, 2024 for Québec’s 17 administrative regions: population changes, age structure, births, deaths, migrations.
Data on births at the administrative region level. Indicators such as the total fertility rate and fertility rates by age group of the mother are also available.
Data on the number of births at the municipality level.
Data on births at the CMA level. Indicators such as the total fertility rate and fertility rates by age group of the mother are also available.
Data on the number of births at the RCM level.
Data on births at the Québec level. Indicators such as the total fertility rate and age-specific fertility rates are also available. Data on fathers and male fertility are also presented.
Statistical data and analyses on the demographic situation in Québec: population changes, age structure, births, deaths, migration, marriages.
This bulletin presents the main trends in the fertility of Quebecers since 1976. It is released along with initial data on births and male fertility in Québec.