Type of survey
Cross-sectional survey.
Targeted population
Children aged 9, 13 and 16 years on March 31, 1999, excluding those enrolled in schools outside the school board network, Aboriginal schools, schools in certain outlying cities or towns, or schools comprising at least 50% of students with handicaps.
3,700 children.
Sociocultural characteristics and financial situation of youth; family and childcare environment; school environment and characteristics of young people in school; perception of the social environment (neighbourhood); parent-child interaction; social support; smoking; psychoactive substance use; physical activity; time use and cultural practices; sexuality and STD and pregnancy prevention; eating behaviours; weight and body image; cardiovascular disease risk factors; physical health and medication use; asthma and allergic rhinitis: prevalence and determinants; injuries, exposure to risk and protective measures; mental health; violence and behavioural problems; dating violence among adolescents.
Microdata file and technical documentation available at the Centre d'accès aux données de recherche of the Institut de la statistique du Québec (CADRISQ).