Enquête québécoise sur les activités de halte-garderie offertes par les organismes communautaires

    Type of survey

    Cross-sectional census survey; provincial representativeness.

    Target population


    All community organizations providing drop-in daycare services that received funding from the Ministère de la Famille as part of the Programme de soutien financier aux activités de halte-garderie communautaires (financial support program for community drop-in daycare services) during the 2022–2023 fiscal year.


    All community organizations providing drop-in daycare services (also called “community drop-in daycares”) that receive funding from the Ministère de la Famille as part of the Programme de soutien financier aux activités de halte-garderie communautaires (financial support program for community drop-in daycare services).

    Sampling and data collection


    2024: 272 organizations

    2018: 243 organizations

    Data collection period

    2024: February 13 to March 27, 2024

    2018: November 12 to December 19, 2018

    Data collection method

    2024: Web

    2018: Web or telephone

    Response rate

    2024: 90% (246 completed questionnaires)

    2018: 93% (227 completed questionnaires)


    Characteristics of community organizations providing drop-in daycare services; characteristics of community drop-in daycare service offering; characteristics of users and demand; characteristics of community drop-in daycare staff; budget of community drop-in daycares.

    Methodological and technical information

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