Québec Survey on Cultural Product Discovery and Digital Technology

    As part of Québec’s Digital Culture Plan and in accordance with the objectives of the France-Québec mission on discoverability, the Ministère de la Culture et des Communications mandated the Institut de la statistique du Québec to carry out a survey on how people who consume cultural products discover them and who uses the Internet to discover these products.

    Frequency and editions

    One-time survey.

    Type of survey

    Cross-sectional survey.

    Target population

    All persons aged 15 and over living in non-institutional dwellings in Québec. This includes persons living in private dwellings, those living in non-institutional collective dwellings (senior residences, convents, etc.), and those living in Indigenous communities other than communities located in the health regions of Nunavik and Terres-Cries-de-la-Baie-James.

    Persons living in institutional collective dwellings (hospitals, CHSLDs, youth centres, rehabilitation centres, etc.) as well as those living in the health regions of Nunavik and Terres-Cries-de-la-Baie-James are not covered by the survey.

    Sampling and data collection

    Survey frame: Insured persons registration file of the Régie de l’assurance maladie du Québec

    Sample size: 5,400 people

    Number of respondents: 2,754 completed questionnaires

    Data collection mode: Telephone and web

    Data collection period: March 27 to June 26, 2023

    Response rate: 53%

    Themes or topics

    • Frequency of consumption of TV shows, movies, music, books and podcasts
    • Use of Internet to discover cultural content
    • Sources and means used to discover cultural content
      • Use of streaming platforms
      • Use of personalized recommendations
    • Language used to search for and discover cultural content on the Internet
    • Importance given to French-language tools and sources for discovering cultural content
    • Main language used to consume cultural content
    • Share of consumption of French-language Québec cultural content
    • Sources and means used to discover French-language Québec cultural content
      • Sources that provide the best results for discovering French-language Québec cultural content
    • Ease of finding French-language Québec cultural content on non-Québec streaming platforms
    • Desire for visibility of French-language Québec cultural content on non-Québec streaming platforms

    Technical and methodological information

    Enquête québécoise sur la découverte de produits culturels et le numérique. Méthodologie de l’enquête (in French only) (PDF, 631.2 kB)

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