Survey on Québec Accomodation Establishment Occupancy

    Have you been invited to participate in this survey?

    The objective of this survey is to produce indicators on the performance of Québec hotel establishments and tourist accommodations with four or more rental units. The data, such as the occupancy rate, the number of units available, of units occupied, and of units occupied by visitors from outside the province of Québec, as well as the average rental price are then published by the Ministère du Tourisme.

    What is the Institut de la statistique du Québec?

    The Institut de la statistique du Québec, also known as Statistique Québec, is a government agency whose mission is to produce, analyze and disseminate official, objective and quality statistics on various aspects of Québec society.

    How do I participate in the survey?

    To participate in the survey, you simply have to:

    • go to the following Internet address:;
    • enter your identifier;
    • enter your password; and
    • complete the online questionnaire.

    Since most questions require searching for information, we strongly suggest that you start by filling out the paper version of the questionnaire, which can be accessed by clicking on this link: If necessary, you can exit the questionnaire and return to finish it at a more convenient time.

    Statistique Québec will contact the participants who have not submitted their online questionnaire to obtain their answers by phone. If you are not available when we call, you can let us know what time would be more convenient for you.

    I tried accessing the questionnaire, but keep getting an error message. What should I do?

    Make sure you entered your identifier correctly.

    You can contact Statistique Québec by phone at 1-800-561-0213 or by e-mail at

    In your message, please mention the name of the survey from your invitation letter or the e-mail you received, as well as your name, your file number and contact information.

    We will respond to your request within 24 hours during our office hours, Monday to Friday between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.

    Are the telephone interviews recorded?

    For quality and training purposes, telephone interviews with Statistique Québec agents are recorded. However, if you don't want the interview to be recorded, simply notify the agent at the beginning of the call.

    Why was my establishment chosen? / How did you get my contact information?

    The universe of the survey is based on the file of establishments with a classification certificate issued by the Corporation de l’industrie touristique du Québec (CITQ) as well as establishments currently undergoing evaluation to obtain this classification, which was provided to us by the Ministère du Tourisme. From that list, a census of establishments in several tourism regions of Québec is carried out, and a sample of establishments in other regions is selected. Establishments of all sizes and in all regions of Québec are included in the survey.

    Do I have to take part in this survey?

    Yes. Your participation is essential in order to draw the most accurate portrait possible of the occupancy rate of hotel establishments and tourist accommodations and to have a good representativeness of establishments of all sizes and in all regions of Québec.

    As set out in section 11 of the Act respecting the Institut de la statistique du Québec, the chief statistician has the right to determine which requests for information are to be considered mandatory if he deems that such information is necessary to produce reliable statistics. The chief statistician has declared this survey mandatory.

    As a result, you are legally obligated to fill out the survey. Under the Act respecting the Institut de la statistique du Québec, anyone asked to provide the Institut with information deemed mandatory must do so within the timeframe and in the format requested.

    What is Statistique Québec’s privacy policy?

    The Act respecting the Institut de la statistique du Québec guarantees that the information you provide will be kept confidential and will only be used for statistical purposes. All Statistique Québec employees have taken an oath before a commissioner and are bound to maintain the secrecy and confidentiality of the data they collect.

    Will you share my answers with other individuals or organizations?

    The data provided by participants are known to and used only by authorized Statistique Québec personnel. Only aggregated survey results are made public to protect the anonymity of participants.

    How can I make sure you are from Statistique Québec?

    You can call Statistique Québec toll-free at 1-800-561-0213.

    When will the survey results be made available?

    The results of the survey are published on the website of the Ministère du Tourisme at the following address:

    How can I get more information about the survey?

    For more information about the survey, please contact the Direction de la gestion de la collecte by e-mail at or by phone at 1-800-561-0213 (toll-free). In your message, please mention the name of the survey from your invitation letter or the e-mail you received, as well as your name, your file number and contact information. You can reach us Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

    Was the information on this page useful to you?