The objective of this survey is to draw a precise picture of mining activity in Québec for both mineral production and exploration to enable government authorities to take concrete action in the mining sector. The participation of all stakeholders in this survey is crucial in order to provide an accurate picture of mining output in all sectors.
Frequently Asked Questions
General information
Microsoft Excel is not installed on my computer. Can I use the form?
To access the electronic version of the form, you must use Microsoft Excel 2007 or a later version.
I don't have Internet Explorer 8.0 or a more recent version on my computer. Can I use the secure website?
To upload your survey documents to the secure website, you must have access to Internet Explorer 8.0 or a later version.
What are the advantages for our company of using the electronic form and transmitting it electronically?
Electronic transmission:
- provides secure data exchange;
- facilitates the company's work and the quality of the data;
- makes it easy to keep electronic copies of activity reports;
- eliminates certain costs (supplies, photocopies, postage, etc.);
- makes it possible for the company to rapidly meet its legal obligations toward the Institut.
Do I have to transmit my information electronically?
No. Companies that meet the system requirements but simply do not wish to transmit their information electronically can keep using traditional modes of transmission.
Can all mining-related forms be sent electronically?
All forms required under the Québec Mining Act (chapter M-13.1, sections 221 and 222) can be transmitted electronically. For more information, please see the “Activity reports and guides” section of the website.
Identifier and password
What should I do if I lose my identifier or my password?
The identifier is composed of three letters: MNC, followed by four numbers. If you have lost your identifier or password, you can send an e-mail to our technical services by clicking on “Click here” at the bottom of the identification page of the secure website.
How long are the password and identifier valid?
The identifier and password are valid as long as the person acts as a respondent for the company.
Using the form
You must have Microsoft Excel 2007 or a later version to be able to open and complete the forms.
If the message below appears when you try to open the form, you do not have the right version of Microsoft Excel.
If the message below appears when you try to open the form, you have the 2007 version of Microsoft Excel. You simply need to click “Yes” to open the form.
Can I fill out a form over several work sessions before transmitting it to the Institut?
Yes. In order to do so without losing your data, the form must be saved outside your e-mailOpen the form from the attachment and then save it using “Save as” in the “File” menu.
Confidentiality and security
If I transmit my data electronically, how can I be sure that it is secure and will remain confidential?
As soon as your document has been received through the secure connection of the Institut de la statistique du Québec, the “Secure Information Exchange” application files it in a restricted-access confidential private network. No information is kept on the Internet.
Will my information be protected if it is transmitted over the Internet?
Yes. The “Secure Information Exchange” application uses 128-bit encryption, a secure encryption method that protects the confidential information provided during your sessions from being intercepted by intruders, and also protects the information we exchange with you. 128-bit encryption is a recognized data encoding process that ensures secure transmission of the information.
For more information, go to Confidentiality and the protection of personal information.
I have completed my questionnaire. Can I e-mail it to you?
No. Protecting the privacy of your information is of the utmost importance to the Institut de la statistique du Québec. Regular e-mail channels are not completely secure, and the information could be intercepted during transmission.
How can I be sure that the documents or software of the Institut de la statistique du Québec are not infected with viruses?
The Institut de la statistique du Québec is extremely careful regarding protection against viruses. Our documents and software are designed and tested internally, on our computers. We have the most recent version of an antivirus software which detects viruses before transmission.
Can I retransmit a report that has already been transmitted electronically?
You can transmit the same declaration more than once without overwriting the first version.
Can I use the electronic form without transmitting my data electronically?
If you use Microsoft Excel, you can open and fill out the form.
If, subsequently, you want to transmit your form by means other than the one offered, you can do so. You only need to print out the form, and mail or fax it to us. If you opt for e-mail, please note that this mode of transmission does not guarantee the confidentiality of your data.
Technical problems
Who can I ask for help if I experience technical problems?
If you need information or technical help to fill out your electronic questionnaire, please contact us at 418-691-2404 or 1-800-561-0213 or e-mail us at Write “Secure Information Exchange” in the subject line of your e-mail.
What are the minimum system requirements for filling out the electronic questionnaire?
- Computer with Pentium processor
- Microsoft Excel 2007 or a later version
- Windows 98, XP or 2000
- Internet connection
- Macs with Microsoft for Mac.
Which web browser version can I use?
- Internet Explorer 8.0 or a later version
- Google Chrome 41 or a later version
- Mozilla Firefox 35 or a later version.