Quantity and value of production and outgoing shipments of the metal ore and non-metallic mineral mining industries in Québec.
Revenues, expenditures, employment, and quantity and value of production and outgoing shipments of the stone, sand, gravel, clay, ceramic, and refractory minerals mining and quarrying industries in Québec.
Quantity and value of production and outgoing shipments of the stone, sand, gravel, clay, ceramic, and refractory minerals mining and quarrying industries in Québec.
In 2023, total investment expenditures in the Québec mining sector were up 19.4% to $5,686 million.
Core drilling data: number of meters drilled, total cost and cost per meter.
Mining investment data: exploration and deposit appraisal expenditures, expenditures on mine development work, on capital and on repair and maintenance.
Revenue, expenses, employment, quantity and value of production and outgoing shipments of the metal ore and non-metallic mineral mining industries in Québec.
In Québec, material productivity stood at $1,504/tonne in 2019, down from $1,788/tonne in 2016.
Mining by the Numbers brings us up to date on mining investment and production in Québec using various mining surveys conducted by the ISQ. Terminated series.