Réalités des jeunes sur le marché du travail en 2005

    The objective of the report entitled Réalités des jeunes sur le marché du travail en 2005 is to present a detailed and current portrait of the situation of youth on the labour market. It focuses on their participation, integration, and working conditions. The analysis looks at both young people who have terminated their studies and those studying full time.

    Among the themes covered are the sociodemographic portrait of persons aged between 15 and 29, their labour market participation, employment, and working conditions. The publication also features a portrait of young full-time students. Completing the study, is a chapter on the integration and qualification of young people on the labour market. The analysis and data are presented using various variables, including sex, level of education, full-time or part-time status, job status, sector of activity, and geographical region.

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