This bulletin presents a portrait of tobacco use and exposure to second-hand smoke (SHS) among children, young people and adults in Québec, based on three sources of survey data. The results are presented in three parts. In the first, maternal smoking and children’s exposure to SHS are reported using data from the Québec Longitudinal Study of Child Development (QLSCD).
The second part describes smoking behaviours of adolescents aged 12 to 17 years and examines their exposure to SHS using data from the 2004 Québec Survey on Smoking, Alcohol, Drugs and Gambling in High School Students and Cycle 3.1 of the 2005 Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS).
The third part addresses the smoking habits of Quebecers aged 18 and older and their exposure to SHS in the home, in private vehicles and in public places. The analysis is based on data from the CCHS Cycle 3.1. Where data permit, comparisons over time or between Québec and the rest of Canada are made. A general conclusion in which we identify some courses of action concludes this bulletin.