The families of babies born in Québec in the early 2020s seem to be in a better economic situation than the families of babies born in the late 1990s. At the age of about 5 months, babies born in 2020–2021 were less likely than babies born in 1997–1998 to be living in low-income households (21% vs. 26%) and more likely to be living in homeowner households (67% vs. 59%).
These are some of the findings from the first report based on the longitudinal study Growing Up in Québec. This large-scale study is following more than 4,000 children born in 2020–2021 until they reach adulthood. Its objective is to better understand what can influence the development and well-being of Québec children.
Avis de révision : 31 octobre 2024
Une correction a été apportée au rapport d'enquête.