L’intégration d’Internet aux processus d'affaires dans les entreprises québécoises. Rapport d’enquête

    The use of Internet and digital technologies is seen as a driver of business productivity, which is why it is a major government concern. In this context, the Institut de la statistique du Québec conducted, in the fall of 2012, a survey whose purpose was to draw a portrait of Internet access and use in enterprises in all of Québec: the Survey of Internet Integration into Business Processes.

    This report provides the main results of this survey and is divided into two sections: the first one analyzes results by business size and by industry, and the second one, by region. Both sections start at chapter 1 with results on Internet access and continue at chapter 2 with results on Internet use. In addition, the first section of the report contains four more chapters that deal with Web presence, e-commerce practices for the sale and purchase of goods and services, use of certain information and communication technologies (ICTs), and ICT investment.

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