What are the perceptions, experiences and lifestyle habits of 22-year-olds in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic? The answer to this question can be found in the two infographics presented below.
The first infographic, entitled Young Adults and the COVID-19 Pandemic: Perceptions of the Situation in the Summer of 2020, focuses on some of young adults’ concerns about COVID-19 and on their perception of their mental health in the summer of 2020.
The title of the second infographic is How Has the Use of Cigarettes, Cannabis and Alcohol Changed among Young Adults in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic? It draws a portrait of the consumption patterns of young adults in the summer of 2020 and describes the changes that have occurred since the start of the pandemic.
The results come from a special round of the Québec Longitudinal Study of Child Development (QLSCD) on the COVID-19 pandemic.