This publication looks at total compensation in the municipal government sector in 2001. It includes data on wages and salaries, fringe benefits, annual earnings, hours of work and total compensation for the benchmark jobs in the following occupational categories: managers, professionals, white-collar employees, blue-collar workers, police officers and firefighters. The results cover local municipalities with a population of 10 000 and over as at July 1, 2001. Two data banks have been integrated into this public report. The first bank presents the total compensation results by various aggregates:
The second data bank contains total compensation results by establishment (local municipality) and by benchmark job. It is available on the CD-ROM accompanying this publication or on the website of the Institut de la statistique du Québec. The results of the 2001 Enquête sur la rémunération globale dans l'administration municipale (survey on total compensation in the municipal government sector) shed new light on the compensation system in this sector. With this publication, the Institut de la statistique du Québec provides relevant and up-to-date information on remuneration in Québec society.