This study is the fifth in a series of biennial surveys that began in 1998 under the name Québec Survey of Tobacco Use in High School Students. The results of this edition show the proportions of daily smokers, occasional smokers and experimental smokers, of alcohol and drug users as well as of gambling participants among high school students. The prevalence of each of these behaviours is compared with that observed in the previous editions of the survey.
The index of problematic alcohol and drug use reveals the proportion of students with an emerging problem or a problem requiring a specialized intervention. The index of gambling problems shows the proportion of students at risk of developing gambling problems and those who are probable pathological gamblers.
The target population of the survey included all students in Secondary 1 through 5 enrolled in French and English, public and private high schools in Québec. In total, 4,571 students from 149 schools took part in the survey conducted in the fall 2006.