The development of information and communication technologies (ICT) has had a major impact in the last decades. The spread and use of these technologies is now essential to economic and social development. In that context, household Internet access is of great importance. However, access to the Internet and to high-speed connections—which are necessary for a growing number of online activities—remains uneven between population groups and geographic locations. The Québec Household Internet Access Survey, which measures Internet access across the Québec regional county municipalities (RCM), sheds new light on these disparities, which are even more pronounced at this level than at the administrative region level. The survey was conducted in 2012, at the request of the Secrétariat du Conseil du trésor.
This report provides the main results of this survey and is divided into two sections: the first one analyzes results by business size and by industry, and the second one, by region. Both sections start at chapter 1 with results on Internet access and continue at chapter 2 with results on Internet use. In addition, the first section of the report contains four more chapters that deal with Web presence, e-commerce practices for the sale and purchase of goods and services, use of certain information and communication technologies (ICTs), and ICT investment.