This survey follows up the enumeration operation of clients of services for homeless people conducted in 1996-1997 in the two largest urban areas of Québec, Montréal-Centre and the Québec Urban Community. The targeted population of this investigation remains the same, people who attend accomodation centres, soup kitchens and day-care centres for homeless people. In total, 757 people were interviewed between December 4, 1998 and August 31, 1999. The results of this investigation will be the subject of several publications.
Volume 1 - In this one, the detailed methodology of the investigation and a description of the customers according to demographic, social, cultural and economics characteristics are presented. Finally, clients are described according to three medical themes: physical, mouth and dental health and mental health and the relation between health condition and the use of services is broached. The results, presented according to the clientele of the two areas together and for each one of them. make it possible to draw up a portrait of this population according to the residential status, sex and age.