NewsroomNotice of release

    Statistical portrait of visible minority women in Québec

    Québec, February 13, 2025. – Women from visible minorities in Québec have a higher employment rate than other women and are more likely to have a university degree. They also have a higher unemployment rate than other women, and their hourly earnings and average after-tax income are lower than those of non-visible minority women and men and visible minority men.

    These are some of the new statistics available in the statistical showcase on gender equality (in French only), which stems from a partnership between the Secrétariat à la condition féminine and the Institut de la statistique du Québec.

    A few highlights

      Visible minority women Non-visible minority women Visible minority men Non-visible minority men

    Employment rate (2023) 64% 58% 72% 64%
    Unemployment rate (2023) 7.6% 3.1% 7.4% 4.3%
    Proportion og university graduates (2021) 39% 28% 38% 22%
    Average hourly earnings (2023) $27.00 $31.70 $29.80 $34.80
    Average after-tax income (2022) $37,200 $41,100 $39,800 $50,800
    Proportion of people who perceive their health as excellent or very good (2019-2020) 48% 64% 66% 64%
    Proportion of people who have experienced various unwanted sexual behaviour in public in hte past 5 years (2018) 30% 24% 12% 9%

    Sources, definitions and methodology for each indicator are detailed in the statistical showcase.


    About the showcase

    The showcase is the result of a partnership between the Secrétariat à la condition féminine and the Institut de la statistique du Québec and is among the actions implemented as part of the Government Strategy for Gender Equality 2022–2027. This showcase is updated periodically to monitor equality in Québec on an ongoing basis.

    Statistics on other groups of women will be released over the next few weeks, including on immigrants, sexual or gender minorities, and people with disabilities. Sign up for our email notifications so you don’t miss anything.

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