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    Portrait of social and affordable housing in Québec

    Montréal, June 19, 2024. – In 2021, 3.5% of Québec households lived in social and affordable housing (SAH), slightly below the percentage in the rest of Canada (3.9%) and in Ontario (4.3%).

    When only rental housing is considered, Québec households living in SAH represent 9% of renter households, below the rest of Canada (13%), the Atlantic region (14%), Ontario (14%) and the Prairie region (13%). These are just some of the figures revealed in Le logement social et abordable au Québec, released today by the Institut de la statistique du Québec.

    The situation in Québec’s regions

    Households in the following administrative regions are proportionally more likely to live in SAH than those elsewhere in the province:

    • Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean (5.0%)
    • Montréal (4.9%)
    • Capitale-Nationale (4.8%)

    Households in the following administrative regions are proportionally less likely to live in SAH than those elsewhere in Québec:

    • Laurentides (1.9%)
    • Lanaudière (2.1%)
    • Montérégie (2.4%)

    Persons living alone and lone-parent families are more likely to live in social and affordable housing

    According to the 2021 data, about 7% of persons living alone and 7% of lone-parent families live in SAH. Among low-income households, that figure is 15%.

    Households in which the reference person is aged 65 and over (6%), has a level of education less than a high school diploma (8%) or is at home with a chronic illness or disability (16%) are also more likely to live in SAH.

    Households with characteristics associated with specific vulnerabilities are more likely to live in SAH, especially those whose reference person has already experienced visible homelessness (18%) or hidden homelessness (8%). 

    Greater satisfaction among residents living in social and affordable housing

    According to the 2021 data, 64% of households in SAH are highly satisfied with their housing. This is higher than the satisfaction rate for those in market rental units, which sits at 57%.

    Moreover, about 65% of households in SAH feel a strong connection to their local community, compared to 54% of those in market rental housing.

    Many households still waiting for social and affordable housing

    Demand for SAH outstrips supply. Based on the 2021 data, it is estimated that nearly 50,700 Québec households are on a SAH waitlist. About 19,700 households have been on a waitlist for less than two years, while 30,500 have been waiting for two years or longer.

    The results presented are based on data from the 2021 Canadian Housing Survey, conducted by Statistics Canada.

    What is social and affordable housing?

    SAH refers to housing units where the rent is not determined by supply and demand. A household is considered to live in SAH if its rent is subsidized or if it has to report income to determine the amount of rent to pay to the landlord, which may be a cooperative, non-profit organization or government entity. Housing costs for households in SAH are indexed to their income and are generally below the market value for an equivalent rental unit.

    For 25 years, the Institut de la statistique du Québec has been producing, analyzing, and disseminating official, objective and high-quality statistical information on various aspects of Québec society. It is responsible for conducting all statistical surveys of general interest. The relevance of its work makes it a strategic ally for decision makers and an essential source of information for all those wishing to learn more about Québec.

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