Main indicators on Québec and its regions

    The territorial boundaries of two administrative regions were modified on July 28, 2021. On that date, the RCMs of La Haute-Yamaska and Brome-Missisquoi officially changed their administrative region from Montérégie to Estrie. For more information, please read the bulletin Modifications aux municipalités du Québec of September 2021 (PDF, 630 KB) (in French only).
    Total population (2022)11,475,578 inhab.
    0-19 years (2022)121.9 %
    20-64 years (2022)157.9 %
    65 years and more (2022)120.2 %
    Net interregional migration (2022-2023)13,030 inhab.
    Population projections
    (population changes 2021-2041)1
    +15.7 %
    Employment (March 2024)2,3872.6 k
    Employment rate (March 2024)2,364.0 %
    Unemployment rate (March 2024)2,33.7 %
    Average hourly wage (2023)2$33.27
    Job vacancy rate (4th quarter 2023)23.7 %
    Low-income rate for families (2021)16.4 %
    Per capita disposable income (2022p)1$38,172
    GDP at basic prices (Change 2021/2020)1+12.4 %
    Capital expenditure (Change 2023i/2022p)1+32.3 %
    Revenue from goods manufactured (2021)2$34,614,966 k
    Share of the population served by a public library service (2021)195.4 %
    Land artificialization rate
    (Change 1994/2009)1
    +11.4 %
    1 According to the new administrative boundaries of the Montérégie region that came into effect on July 28, 2021 following the publication of order in council 961-2021.
    2 According to the administrative boundaries of the Montérégie region in effect before the publication of order in council 961-2021 on July 28, 2021.
    3 This data is seasonally adjusted using three-month moving averages.
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