Annual overview of Québec municipalities’ operating expenditures on culture, and expenditures on culture according to seven municipal population size groups and by administrative region of the municipalities.
The Optique culture bulletin analyzes statistics on sales of various cultural products, on attendance at cultural places, on household and government expenditure in culture, on cultural institutions and workers, on the economy of culture, etc.
Payroll employment in selected cultural and communications industries according to the Survey of Employment, Payrolls and Hours (SEPH), Payrolls and Hours (SEPH), Canada and provinces
Operating statistics for movie theatres (screenings, attendance and revenues), box-office data, and key indicators on movie theatres, by administrative region and for Québec as a whole.
Données mensuelles, en dollars courants et en dollars constants.
Données mensuelles, en dollars courants et en dollars constants. Important notice
Volume of e-ebook books sold by Québec establishments each month and each year. Latest data added: September 2024.
Dynamic graphs present statistics on performing arts, visual arts, libraries, film, sound recordings, museum institutions, cultural professions, cultural spending, etc.
This bulletin presents an analysis of statistics on performing arts attendance. The statistics come from the Survey on Attendance of Performing Arts Events in Québec.