Volume of e-ebook books sold by Québec establishments each month and each year. Latest data added: September 2024.
Dynamic graphs present statistics on performing arts, visual arts, libraries, film, sound recordings, museum institutions, cultural professions, cultural spending, etc.
Indicateurs en matière de culture, notamment en ce qui concerne les spectacles, les cinémas, les institutions muséales, les bibliothèques, les enregistrements musicaux, les ventes de livres et le montant des dépenses publiques. Nouveauté : indicateurs par région administrative.
Discover the main economic, demographic, cultural and environmental indicators for all of Québec, its administrative regions and their regional county municipalities (RCM).
These annual statistics include acquisition expenditures, library holdings, the population served and services rendered, as well as a set of data on the documentary, human and financial resources of Québec public libraries.
Tables presenting monthly and annual new book sales by different types of establishments and variations in new book sales.
L’Enquête québécoise sur la découverte des produits culturels et le numérique couvre les pratiques de découverte et de consommation de quatre secteurs culturels dont les dynamiques industrielles sont très différentes, soit les séries et films, la musique, le livre et le balado. Avis de révision
Statistics from 2012.
From 2018 to 2020, online activities such as listening to music and podcasts, watching TV shows, following the news, or playing video games all increased significantly in Québec.