Release dates for main economic indicators

    Economic Indicators Period Last Next
        Realease Realease

    Quarterly economic accounts
      – Québec 2024-III 2024-12-20 2025-03-26
      – Canada 2024-IV 2025-02-28 2025-05-30
    Real gross domestic product at basic prices (in 2017 $)
      – Québec 2024-11 2025-02-25 2025-03-26
      – Canada 2024-12 2025-02-28 2025-03-28
    Real international merchandise exports and imports (in 2017 $)
      – Québec 2024-12 2025-02-20 2025-03-20
      – Canada 2024-12 2025-02-05 2025-03-06
    Housing starts (Québec, Canada) 2025-01 2025-02-18 2025-03-17
    Building permits (Québec, Canada) 2024-12 2025-02-11 2025-03-13
      – Residentials
      – Non-residentials
    Manufacturing sales (Québec, Canada) 2024-12 2025-02-14 2025-03-14
    Wholesale trade (Québec, Canada) 2024-12 2025-02-14 2025-03-14
    Retail trade (Québec, Canada) 2024-12 2025-02-21 2025-03-21
    Average weekly earnings, including overtime
      (Québec, Canada) 2024-12 2025-02-27 2025-03-27
    Labour Force Survey (LFS) (Québec, Canada) 2025-01 2025-02-07 2025-03-07
    Consumer price index (Québec, Canada) 2025-01 2025-02-18 2025-03-18
    Canadian dollar in U.S. cents 2025-12 2025-02-03 2025-03-03

    Update : February 28, 2025
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